Are You 

Ready to Become an Author?

Collaborative Author Books 

Learn how working together can be more fun & more profitable than writing alone. If you think writing an entire book is overwhelming & daunting, consider writing a chapter in collaboration & get your authorship toes wet. 

Last year we supported 64 women to become authors by writing chapters in Collaborative books. *most of them were first-time authors & now some of them are writing their own books.  



We are on a mission to support 10,000 women to become successfully published authorprenereurs & thought leaders. Collaborative books are an opportunity for women who have always wanted to write to take the first meaningful step & hold a book that they co-authored. By working in community you forge bonds, grow both skill & confidence & have a book to show for it at the end. 

How to tell your story & draft your writing

You get weekly writing support teaching you how to choose the right stories to tell, how to craft your chapters & get regular peer editing to hone your craft.  

The essentials of the Publishing Process

You will get professional final copy & proof editing to make sure your chapter is as professional as possible, we take care of formatting, cover design, book positioning & publishing. 

Marketing & Visibility

We teach you how to position yourself as an expert, build an offer & how to launch your book into the public eye *to rank well, & get your book into the hands of the people who need it. Learn how to show up for your mission & message. 

Award Winning Books & Award Winning Publisher 

Our authors have been honored & recognized in the Internationally recognized Nautilus Book Awards. One of our collaborative books recently won Silver, making each of the contributing authors not only Bestselling authors, but now also Award winning authors! 


Stories That Can't Be Told

Stories that have been silenced: all the things you are never allowed to talk about. The things that never should have been and all the things we all try to sweep under the rug. 



  • Chapter drafting & workshopping: Summer 2024
  • Editing: August
  • Formatting: September
  • PublishingPrep: October
  • Launch DAY: November 
  • a good holiday gift 
Ready to Write


Tales of Family Renewal and Female Resilience

Divorce   Whether you’re a child of divorce, are a divorcee, have considered divorce or know someone that fits the above descriptions, divorce is everywhere. And yet, it’s still such a taboo subject that is met with mixed reactions when the topic is approached. Strong societal messaging says that you’re broken or your family is broken if divorce is somewhere in your life. What if that wasn’t true?
Full of stories where women found strength in divorce. But more importantly found strength within themselves to go after the life they envisioned and build a beautiful future. Having divorce as a part of your story doesn’t make you broken, if anything you’re stronger for it.

Estimated TIMELINE

  • Chapter drafting & workshopping: Fall 2024
  • Editing: October
  • Formatting: November
  • PublishingPrep: December
  • Launch: January 2025
Ready to Write

Published in APRIL. *Bestseller in 3 categories

Notes from MotherLand

The Wild Adventure of Raising Humans

Stories of motherhood: the good, the bad & the ugly, (whether you are the parent or child, all stories welcome.) 

Every mother has at least one, if not one hundred stories from Motherland. 

Read it

Published in June. *Bestseller in 3 categories

By the Light of the Moon

Stories of finding a way forward trusting your self & charting your own path

Powerful stories of the Feminine. Stories of finding strength to move forward in unexpected places, braving the unknown, and facing challenges by catalyzing adversity to discover our true capacity! Inviting readers to face their own darkness and have the tools to find a path forward.

Read it


Full Writing, Editing and Marketing Support

What is a Collaborative Author Book?

A collection of women sharing stories on a common topic or theme.

Benefits of a Collaborative Author Book project:

  • Writing Made Easy
  • Minimal time investment
  • Done-for-you publishing  
  • Published in record time
  • Expert positioning to reach ideal clients & support people: Be seen as an Authority (propel business) 
  • Collective book marketing: Massive lead gen … (other people’s networks)
  • Accelerated personal & professional growth: Confidence to tell your story, & share your wisdom
  • Support of experienced experts in the field  
  • & a cohort of amazing women!!!  


What authors get:

  • Published author status- forever
  • Confidence building
  • Marketing skills & material
  • Book is a lead magnet/authority – opens door to speaking/consulting/ etc
  • Community of fellow authors
  • Done for you marketing graphics & Promo templates
  • Access to the Resource Vault
  • Network of authors for speaking & media etc opportunities 
  • 25 copies of the book sent to you (for resale earn up to $500-$625 suggested resale price $20)
  • Invitation to tons of cool trainings

Minimum expectations

  • Draft a chapter & submit (1500-3000 words)
  • Accept edits
  • Bio & headshot - professional
  • Contact link

Female Founded

Not Just a Side-Hustle

A Comprehensive Guide to Start, Grow, and Sustain Successful Businesses Female Founded: is a powerful collection of stories and insights from women who have forged their paths as entrepreneurs, proving that they are not just side hustlers but leaders in their industries.

  Discover the power of female entrepreneurship and join the movement of women who are redefining success on their own terms.

Estimated TIMELINE

  • Chapter drafting & workshopping: Spring/ Summer 2024
  • Editing: September
  • Formatting: October
  • PublishingPrep: November
  • Launch: December 2024
  • * a perfect holiday gift.
Ready to Write

Red Thread


Most would describe me as a mother, author, and business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Let's get your voice harnessed to share your mission & message with the world & especially those who need to hear what you have to offer.

Join us in our next collaborative project, write your story & reenvision yourself as you transform into an author & much more. 

"I learned so much from writing in a collaborative that now I am writing & publishing my first solo-book."

Judy Granlee-Gates, Author of Spark

"I had always wanted to be a writer, but never knew where to start. With all the tools & strategies I learned from this community & process I am now an AUTHOR, I am building my business & living my life fuller than ever before."

Frances Trejo-Lay, Author of Sanctuary

Are you

Ready to becom an Author


This process will change your life & career in more ways than one.