You want to be seen as an expert in your field, use your book to build credibility & a thriving business...
What you'll learn:
- How to effectively build community through social media
- Facing your fears of being the face of your business
- Marketing! Marketing! Marketing! No one knows about your book if you don’t tell them
- You’ve written the book. Now what? Learn how to effectively turn your book into speaking engagements, events, courses, and retreats.
- Learn the art of growing your book business horizontally, not vertically.
What you'll get:
- Clear steps to show up on social media in a productive & efficient way.
- Live Q& A's (virtual)
- Monthly sessions with author/expert Shanicia Boswell: Check her out; She is the real deal!
- a community of women for support & accountability
- Bonus: 1:1 call with Red Thread Publishing
[Offer Available for a limited time: Sessions start September 6th.]
This Masterclass series is just the tip of the Iceberg. If you want the full immersion intensive Check YES! Add Marketing PLUS Intensive (and save $333 with our early bird pricing)
ABOUT: Shanicia Boswell
Best Selling Author 📚 Oh Sis! You’re Pregnant!
✨FOUNDER @theselfcareretreat
🤰🏾FOUNDER @blackmomsblog

We are an all-female publishing on a mission to support 10,000 women to become successful published authors & thought leaders.
Founder: Sierra Melcher is an author of 11 books, an international speaker, educator & entrepreneur.