
Holding Your Book!

Writing your story and publishing your book is an epic gift. Let us show you how you can do this with ease. 


Everyone has a story worth sharing

As the founder of Red Thread Publishing, I always dreamed of writing a book but never truly believed I could. Every attempt ended in frustration until, after 15 years, something finally clicked. With the right strategy, I’ve since written and published over 10 books in just 3 years. Now, I use my journey to help others write their stories, publish high-quality books, and position themselves as experts, with their books as the cornerstone of their success.

Our formula, your results


Transform your ideas into a compelling manuscript with our expert guidance.


Bring your book to life with professional publishing services that ensure quality.


Elevate your message and establish your authority with strategic book marketing.

"I absolutely loved the support and connection I gleaned from this space...having weekly accountability in such a sacred way was key to me finishing the writing of my manuscript!"
- Sarah Grady
"I feel supported, encouraged, and empowered. Publishing with Red Thread has been a truly fantastic experience!"
 "I liked being part of a team of authors, all helping each other, all supporting and celebrating each other."
– Judy Granlee-Gates

Meet some of our authors


"Thank you for all you do. It's so obvious that you really care about women & publishing."


"Publishing my 2 books with Red Thread saved my life. and revived my career."


"Publishing with Red Thread was the best decision of my life. PLUS Your courses always teach so much."


"I looked at a lot of companies before signing with Red Thread. Ultimately I chose you because you offer so much more support for a better price."


Watch Cracking the Code on Book Profits & Get The 9 Step Publishing Checklist

Kickstart your publishing success with step-by-step guidance, hands-on resources, and daily group accountability check-ins.


Discover insights and inspiration on our blog

Our blog has everything you need to better understand the power of publishing and position your book for success.

Join our next workshop! PUBLISHING 101

Learn how to get your book out in the world!









Split: Tales of Family Renewal and Female Resilience

Divorce shows up in everyone’s lives.

Whether you’re a child of divorce, are a divorcee, have considered divorce or know someone that fits the above descriptions, divorce is everywhere. And yet, it’s still such a taboo subject that is met with mixed reactions when the topic is approached. Strong societal messaging says that you’re broken or your family is broken if divorce is somewhere in your life. What if that wasn’t true?

Full of stories where women found strength in divorce. But more importantly found strength within themselves to go after the life they envisioned and build a beautiful future. Having divorce as a part of your story doesn’t make you broken, if anything you’re stronger for it.


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