Red Thread Publishing Releases First Author
May 26, 2021
Red Thread Publishing Releases our first author work!
Sarah Gretzinger has published, Have It All, the first book in a series of 4 that will be coming out later this year.
She's a successful entrepreneur & coach & is transferring some of her greatest knowledge & highly sought after tools into books, so they can be available to all.
We celebrate the release of this book, for all the benefits it can bring to its readers & in honor of the hard work, & learned lessons it took in order to be able to write it & share it with the world. Thank you Sarah!
Because, until you really write a book you don't know what goes into it. None of us do.
We all want to write a book, right? Everyone I know wants to write a book. You’re here so maybe you want to write a book too.
I myself lived in that in-between space for so long feeling stories well up within me, lessons I wanted to teach, experiences I wanted to transmit & share. Ironically, it was the fear of how hard it would be to write, the impossibility of it all that kept me stuck for so long.
Books litter my shelves & piles crowd my bedside. It was not until my first completed project that I learned quite what an effort a book was. But such a luscious learning it can be, each & every time.
Once I finally gave in & experienced the cathartic writing process, I began to truly understand, both the struggle & the triumph, the accelerated growth & amplified impact a book sparks.
It is the misperception that it takes so much to write a book coupled with the false belief that it comes easy for some that really prevents most people from writing their stories.
So, when a book comes into the world, I know the emotional & logistic wrestling, the effort that went into this little creation & all the people who contributed, but mostly how a book is a little bit of a woman's soul laid out in black and white. It is Magic, in slow-motion.
And, with that, we celebrate.
Stories Change Lives
We believe in the power of women's voices & stories to change the world. We support women not only to write & publish their books but to really embrace their voice, accelerate empowerment & reach global impact. Because women matter.
Do you have a story that must be told?
Our Mission is to empower women through Writing & Publishing to become successful & influential authorities in their fields by teaching & supporting every step of the process.
Publishing is accelerated personal & professional growth & tool to amplify women's voices to shift global awareness. Founding in 2021. Our international team of 6 is teaching our first cohort of women to write their books & is preparing to publish our first 6 books in a variety of non-fiction categories, including poetry, business & personal development.
Sierra Melcher, author & founder of @RedThreadPublishing, & our team will support you every step of the way. or email us @ [email protected]
Get your copy & preorder the next in the series. "The way you think about money (and your life) will never be the same." Book Review Have It All: 30-Day Money Mindset for Coaches: Step-Up, Let Money and Success Flow (Quit Fucking Around)
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