Write.Publish.Impact. Blog

With so much information available it is easy to get overwhelmed or get it wrong. Red Thread breaks it down into three simple steps: WRITE. PUBLISH. IMPACT. Countless people need your mission, your message, and your book. Get the right pieces in the right order. Create ease for you in the creation process and clarity for your audience too. Weekly tools & tips to write, publish & have an impact!  

WHAT IS YOUR CREATIVE ROUTINE? blog creationprocess write Mar 05, 2024
Today in writer's circle we examined creative routines. As we explore the 4-part creation methodology we teach...
  • Dream.
  • Plan.
  • Draft.
  • Revise.
I encourage authors to reflect not only on...
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Simple Solutions for Decision Fatigue blog business impact marketing Nov 24, 2023

(for Aspiring Authors and New Authorpreneurs: A Holistic Approach)

Dear Aspiring Authors and Authorpreneurs,

Congratulations on embarking on your journey in the world of writing and authorship!...

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Birthing My Book blog book maya amaele liebermann red thread publishing Jan 19, 2023

By Maya Amaele Liebermann


Why do I want to publish a book?

Dr. Adrienne, invites us to consider this question in our women writer's circle.


Why do I want to bring a book into the...

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