Birthing My Book
Jan 19, 2023
By Maya Amaele Liebermann
Why do I want to publish a book?
Dr. Adrienne, invites us to consider this question in our women writer's circle.
Why do I want to bring a book into the world?
It's one thing to write.
Everyone can make the decision to write.
Anyone who writes, can call themselves a writer.
And I do, I call myself a writer.
Then there is choosing to become an Author.
To publish.
To become an author.
That's something different.
To share my thoughts with the world in a measurable way. In a tangible way.
In the form of book - my book.
Conceiving and developing my book-to-be will be a change from keeping my words private within my notebook.
Birthing my book-in-the-making will be a departure from harboring unseen drafts tucked away in my computer files.
Will I do it?
Will I have the courage to choose to make my precious ideas and beliefs, my truest self-expression, available to the public in the body of a book?
Dreaming my book as a tangible embodiment of my thoughts, experiences, and observations in life.
My book as a creation of words I hope will touch my readers lives, enlightening and enlivening them on their journey.
Why do I care to publish my book and share it with the world?
I want to develop a book I enjoy writing.
I want to grow a book that grows me.
I want to create a book that is more than a collection of words.
I want to launch a book that leads my readers on a journey into unexpected and memorable places, with every word.
I want to offer a book that connects my readers and I both on and off the page.
For all these reasons and more, I want to publish my book.
But what about my fears of writing and publishing, and being seen for my truest self?
If I publish my book, I will need confidence.
If I publish my book, I will need courage.
If I publish my book, I will need support.
If I publish my book, I will need help, guidance, and reassurance.
If I publish my book, I will need a hand to hold and someone to cheer me on.
Will publishing a book push me out of my journal and into the world?
Not so fast, one thing I have learned in our writer’s circle is that publishing my book won’t be a giant leap taken off the edge of a cliff.
I will not be alone on my journey.
Publishing my book will happen in stages.
Step by step.
My journal will inspire my first draft.
From the Red Thread Publishing community and Writer’s Circle, I will receive feedback and inspiration to write another draft... and another draft...
I will get lots of practice sharing and developing my book manuscript as it develops.
In our Writers Circle, I will receive encouragement for my authentic book writing process.
Who will help me write my book?
The women in our writer’s circle.
The women writers I am gathering with.
The women I am building trust with at each gathering.
These women writers with pens in their hands, mightier than a sword.
I will be among these women authors.
Our writing pens will reach into the hearts and minds of the public.
We will Illuminate our readers with our carefully chosen words, the meaning, and energy, they convey.
In a circle of women authors, and authors-in-the-making, we will ask for, share, and receive honest encouragement, feedback, and suggestions for our books-to-be.
Within my connection to the writing coaches and consultants I hear mentioned by the women in our writer’s circle, I will receive support and collaboration for my book in the making.
Here with my writing colleagues, in our writer’s circle and beyond.
I can see it.
My journal has transformed into a manuscript...
Now my own book is in my own hands, and I am handing my book to my audience.
My audience hands my book to the people in their own circles.
On it goes...
Circles intertwine with other reading circles.
I can see my book in the hands of a new reader from the the public sphere.
A reader who feels deeply touched by what my books says to her, him, or they.
A reader who reaches out to contact me about their experience in relation to my book.
A reader who I can work with and support on their path.
My book has become an experience for myself and my reader.
My book has become a place of affirmation and expansion for myself and for my reader.
I can see my book.
I can grow my book.
I can be my book.
I can share my book.
I can launch my book into the world.
I can, if we can.
We can, in our women’s publishing community.
Our circles interlaced.
Cycling through contraction and expansion.
We can.
Together, we can birth our books-to-be.