Write.Publish.Impact. Blog

With so much information available it is easy to get overwhelmed or get it wrong. Red Thread breaks it down into three simple steps: WRITE. PUBLISH. IMPACT. Countless people need your mission, your message, and your book. Get the right pieces in the right order. Create ease for you in the creation process and clarity for your audience too. Weekly tools & tips to write, publish & have an impact!  

Red Thread Authors Win Five Nautilus Book Awards award publish red thread publishing May 31, 2024

Celebrating Success: 

Have you heard the news? We at Red Thread Publishing are beyond thrilled to announce that our talented authors have won a total of five Nautilus Book Awards this week!...

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Don't spin your wheels: The best time to design your cover authors cycle marketing publish women's circle writing Feb 07, 2022

So you are at that part of the book process: 

  • You have committed & figured out what you have to say, 
  • you have written a draft, but know it needs more attention. 
  • your sort of...
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What makes a good author page? authors books forbes magazine marketing new book launch publish publishing red thread publishing thought leadership Jan 06, 2022

What makes a good author page when you read a book, you are giving a gift to the world. You are also establishing yourself as an authority.

The word author is the root of the word AUTHORity.


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Promised the Moon authors books marketing publish publishing red thread publishing thought leadership Dec 15, 2021

Publishers who offer it all & don’t hit the key thing authors need to be seen and heard!

You are writing a book because you have an important message to share with the world. 


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Publishing isn't so scary anymore authors books empowerment forbes magazine marketing publish red thread publishing writing Dec 09, 2021

Frances Trejo attended last week's Ready, Set, Publish Virtual Summit.

Here is what she had to share about it:
I have always wanted to write in publish. We’re talking late since I was...
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The day a book is DONE books practice publish publishing write Jul 04, 2021

We just wrapped up another book project!

There is a woman in San Diego dancing for joy because the book that she has worked so hard on is just moments from being available to the world.

It is in...

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Let's talk about books and making money. books money publish publishing May 31, 2021

Let's talk about books and making money.

I sometimes fear that there is a divide between the noble creative act the selfless generosity of baring your soul & the potential contradiction...

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How to become a best-selling author — fast.   identity publish women's circle write May 31, 2021

A low-energy investment, high-reward way to start your writing career. 

For years, I dreamt of writing a best-selling book. I typed out pages and pages of writing...only to later let them...

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Red Thread Publishing Releases First Author books money publish write May 26, 2021

Red Thread Publishing Releases our first author work!

Sarah Gretzinger has published, Have It All, the first book in a series of 4 that will be coming out later this year.

She's a successful...

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Lovely and Suffering - The Depth of a Poem beasties identity publish women's circle write May 25, 2021

The stage was empty save for one woman. The room was quiet & there was a moment. There was a moment before this woman opened her mouth 

I'd been listening to people all day. The...

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Happy endings... date yourself identity publish selflove travel women's circle write May 24, 2021

Do you Like Happy Endings?

A friend of mine says, all stories have a happy ending, it just depends on where you stop the story. Good point...
I like hard beginnings, happy middles & wise...
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the first time you fall in love practice publish travel write May 21, 2021
I'm strolling down memory lane...
the first time I was in Cartagena was 2007 !!!!
a hot minute ago...
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