Promised the Moon
Dec 15, 2021
Publishers who offer it all & don’t hit the key thing authors need to be seen and heard!
You are writing a book because you have an important message to share with the world.
You publish your book to get into the hands of the people who need it -- so you can serve more people!
Just getting your book on Amazon does not guarantee that it is going to have the impact you hope.
So many authors write & publish BUT FAIL to make that vital difference. FACT: The average book sells fewer than 300 copies! So not only are authors not earning back the publishing costs, but they are also NOT MAKING THE IMPACT they intended.
As a small all-female publishing company we talk with women all the time who are looking to publish or have already published. The bulk of the stories we hear from the latter group is how they were so excited to start but in the end, were disappointed with their publishing experience in one way or another.
- Stella published her book and only later learned that there was zero marketing support, now struggles with book sales. She feels defeated.
- Meg went with a publisher she had worked with before because they offered add-ons (she didn't really need). She felt strongarmed.
- Jane signed a contract without reading the fine print and learned later what she agreed to. She feels embarrassed.
- Fran worked with someone for free, with no contract and now he is asking for 50% of every book sale... so now she doesn't want to promote her book. She feels resentful.
- She published in a multiauthor book but wasn't taught how to use position herself as an expert or generate leads so she missed the opportunity... She feels disappointed.
I was one of those authors; I made a few of those mistakes myself. It is easy enough to make this mistake when we are new because we don't know what we don't know. We don't know what to ask & we are swept away by excitement & possibility ... only later learning how much of what really matters IS NOT INCLUDED. Part of why I founded Red Thread Publishing was to offer a solution to this common dilemma.
This is not why we come into writing & publishing. We want to make an impact, change people's lives, Learn & grow as individuals and make a profit!
Whether you are self-publishing or working with a company, there are some vital components that make or break your book's success.
"Book Sales are not where you make money... YET books can be very profitable... if done properly." - Sierra Melcher
Expert Positioning & Authority Marketing:
- Does your book clearly position you as an expert in your field?
- within the book?
- in your Bio?
- on all your Socials?
Lead Generation & nurturing connections:
Your book is a gift. It is an invitation. Don't leave them hanging at the end.
- Does your book clearly guide readers towards the next steps to connect with you?
- Does your book offer a free offer (lead capture) to allow you to connect further with your readers?
- Do you have something in place before the book comes out to support readers BEYOND THE BOOK?
Book Marketing & Sales Strategy:
When I wrote my first book I wanted nothing to do with marketing & sales. I believed if my book was good people would buy it. NOw I am a huge fan of a good marketing strategy.... I geek out on it with authors all the time.
- Do you have a 90-day launch & sales strategy in place & the team, or the energy, & skills to execute it?
- Do you have a process in place to review that strategy & revise for the 90days AFTER your book is out?
- Do you have partners, affiliations, collaborators in place & relationships established that can support along the way?
- Do you have a media strategy to maximize the power of other channels to help get your message heard?
Whether you are working solo or with a company, "DIY doesn't have to mean Do IT ALONE... in fact, it can't!"-Sierra Melcher Know who your allies are in this process.
Our mission is to support 10,000 women to become successful published authors & thought-leaders this year! Don't make the mistakes listed above...
BUT DON'T LET THAT SCARE YOU... You absolutely can write & publish an amazing book & it is easier than you think. As you are looking to work with a company or weighing the decision to DIY, HERE is What you need to KNOW & ASK:
- Does my publishing package help position you as an authority or thought-leader in your industry?
- How much marketing strategy/support is included in your publishing package?
- How does the publisher support YOU to SELL more books after the publish day? AND What is NOT included in the publishing DEAL, that YOU should do, to sell your book(s)?
- To what degree does the publisher guide & support your goals?
- How will the publisher support you BEYOND the book to nurture readers into clients (or get you on stage, or make the impact you envision)?
BREATHE! This might feel like a lot... but it is still totally doable.
You & your story deserve the best to reach the people who need your support. AND KNOW you don't have to do this alone. Hop over into our community where we offer ongoing guidance & support to 1.4k authors.
We have a limited number of publishing slots each year. We have space for a few more authors in 2022. Because we are committed to your success we are gifting the next few authors a mega scholarship, our 4 ultimate book courses: Coursebuliding, book sales & marketing, thought leadership & Bestseller (a $24,000 value)!
If you want to learn about our publishing offers or other author & thought leaders services book a call.
Your book can change people's lives, but only if the people who need it find it & your book can guide people to work with you more IF you maximize your expert positioning, lead generation & marketing strategy.