Write.Publish.Impact. Blog
With so much information available it is easy to get overwhelmed or get it wrong. Red Thread breaks it down into three simple steps: WRITE. PUBLISH. IMPACT. Countless people need your mission, your message, and your book. Get the right pieces in the right order. Create ease for you in the creation process and clarity for your audience too. Weekly tools & tips to write, publish & have an impact!
The Weight of Silence
For too long, conversations around men’s mental health have been cloaked in silence. Society’s expectations of stoicism and strength have left many men...
Cliff Notes Editing:

Maya Amaele Liebermann
If I scrunch myself up as small as possible and fit myself into a lumpy little ball will it go well for me?
Will I be happy as a writer?
Will I be happy in my life?
If I...
So you have a book coming out! Awesome congrats.
How the hell do we let the world know & connect with the people who need the message you are offering? Social media & book marketing...
The day before a book comes out is always a jumble of emotions. Whether it's your first book or your 8th book, it's always a lot. Tomorrow 19 women will be published authors in our...
What makes a good author page when you read a book, you are giving a gift to the world. You are also establishing yourself as an authority.
The word author is the root of the word AUTHORity.
Publishers who offer it all & don’t hit the key thing authors need to be seen and heard!
You are writing a book because you have an important message to share with the world.
Frances Trejo attended last week's Ready, Set, Publish Virtual Summit.
I love a good story, I always have.
People often ask me the story of Red Thread Publishing & how it got its name.
My grandfather raised me on Greek myths. One of my favorites has...
So many people dream of writing a book.
So many people dream of taking wild adventures & falling in love, quitting their job & doing crazy stuff. The vast majority of those...
I love speaking to women about their book projects. I love listening to their dreams & what they are creating. There's something magical in these conversations; the aspiration &...
The Story Behind the Story: Author Interview Series with Sierra Melcher Featuring Shareka Swaby (Episode 13 )
In this episode, Sierra gets to interview Shareka Swaby, her book, “An...
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