So when are you writing your book? One of the Dreamers or one of the Livers
Jul 25, 2021
So many people dream of writing a book.
So many people dream of taking wild adventures & falling in love, quitting their job & doing crazy stuff. The vast majority of those people only ever dream. There's an incredible book called the five regrets of the dying, by Bronnie Ware people never regret to your to our great surprise. they never regret the things that they did they only ever regret the things they never did.
On a scale from 1 to 10 how much of your life has been the living and how much has been the dreaming?
I recently got a little geeky & looked up some statistics about how many people desire to write books, how many people pursue that dream & fulfill it through any version of the publishing process.
Some people who know me, might call me a Cro-Magnon technophobe & they would be correct; except,
This is absolutely the best time to be writing & Publishing.
It is accessible & available & so damn easy. If you dream to be a writer & a published author, you can be! That statement has not always been true, but it is today.
My research took me further & yielded no surprises. More than 76% of all the people in publishing & therefore the voices that are represented are white. The dominant majority of published voices over time is significantly white men. (no spoiler alert-- right).
It's one of the reasons I opened an all-female Publishing House, to give space & voice to those who have been underrepresented in the past. It is our mission & purpose to diversify the publishing industry both with our staff & our authors to change the world!
If you have questions & want support bringing your dream of writing a book to life or any other writing or publishing questions, book a call. I, or one of my team, will take the time to help you as best we can.
Connect with your host, Sierra Melcher, here or on & learn more about
Red Thread Publishing: Stories Change Lives
We believe in the power of women's voices & stories to change the world. We support women not only to write & publish their books but to really embrace their voice, accelerate empowerment & reach global impact. Because women matter.
Sierra Melcher, author & founder of @RedThreadPublishing, & our team will support you every step of the way.
If you are interested in writing or publishing with us connect at [email protected]
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