Write.Publish.Impact. Blog

With so much information available it is easy to get overwhelmed or get it wrong. Red Thread breaks it down into three simple steps: WRITE. PUBLISH. IMPACT. Countless people need your mission, your message, and your book. Get the right pieces in the right order. Create ease for you in the creation process and clarity for your audience too. Weekly tools & tips to write, publish & have an impact!  

Why Can’t Americans Heal From Trauma? authors book book review healing identity trauma Oct 13, 2022

By Adrienne MacIain, Ph.D.

In Japan, the energy-healing practice of Reiki has been reported to heal everything from major illnesses like Cancer and autoimmune disease to mystery ailments like...

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The Origin Story of Red Thread Publishing beasties books empowerment identity publishing writing Aug 01, 2021

 I love a good story, I always have.

People often ask me the story of Red Thread Publishing & how it got its name.

My grandfather raised me on Greek myths. One of my favorites has...

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Book Club Reading Guide: Date Yourself beasties book review date yourself empowerment identity mindfulness selfawarenes selflove women's circle Jul 20, 2021

Reading Guide

This reading guide is especially helpful for groups of people reading, Date Yourself, together, but can be used alone. The book is laid out to propose a 30-day process. In all reality...

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You are what you READ: YEAR OF READING WOMEN book review books identity mindfulness publishing women's circle writing Jul 11, 2021

a year of reading women

As a history teacher for years, I am forced to admit to being part of the problem. Even being a creative, edgy teacher and willing to challenge the establishment, I only...

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The moment my writing career changed books empowerment identity money practice publishing selflove travel write Jul 06, 2021

The moment my writing career changed was not when a publisher was interested in my work. Nor was it when my first short story was accepted to be published in an anthology. Nor even was it when my...

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Money Rolling in. How do you market your book? books empowerment identity money publishing Jun 29, 2021

The other day I woke up and checked my email & had these seven messages waiting for me.

Every month, since publishing my first book, I receive this onslaught of messages. I don't even open...

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Khanyisa Mnyaka writes startlingly beautiful humanity onto the page book review books empowerment identity mindfulness podcast publishing selflove travel Jun 28, 2021

The Story Behind the Story: Author Interview Series

featuring Khanyisa Mnyaka:

Is it considered work if you are having so much fun?
Tune in to my conversation with Khanyisa Mnaka, author of ...

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How to become a best-selling author — fast.   identity publish women's circle write May 31, 2021

A low-energy investment, high-reward way to start your writing career. 

For years, I dreamt of writing a best-selling book. I typed out pages and pages of writing...only to later let them...

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Lovely and Suffering - The Depth of a Poem beasties identity publish women's circle write May 25, 2021

The stage was empty save for one woman. The room was quiet & there was a moment. There was a moment before this woman opened her mouth 

I'd been listening to people all day. The...

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Happy endings... date yourself identity publish selflove travel women's circle write May 24, 2021

Do you Like Happy Endings?

A friend of mine says, all stories have a happy ending, it just depends on where you stop the story. Good point...
I like hard beginnings, happy middles & wise...
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"give a woman three days & some time to wash her hair, & she can take over the free world" beasties date yourself identity practice publish selflove travel women's circle write May 20, 2021

Do you know why I am so damn excited every day?

Because I am doing work in the world that lights me up & has great meaning & impact!

Our Mission is to empower women through Writing &...

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From the Memoirs of a Lonely Nomad date yourself identity publish travel write May 14, 2021
It is not the ocean this time that enchants me...
for years I have been returning again and again, like a soul pilgrimage, there is something here in Cartagena, that calls to me. I have captured...
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