"give a woman three days & some time to wash her hair, & she can take over the free world"
May 20, 2021
Do you know why I am so damn excited every day?
Because I am doing work in the world that lights me up & has great meaning & impact!
Our Mission is to empower women through Writing & Publishing to become successful & influential authorities in their fields by teaching & supporting every step of the process. Publishing is accelerated personal and professional growth & tool to amplify women's voices to shift global awareness. Founding in 2021.
Our international team of 6 women, is teaching our first cohort of women to write their books & is preparing to publish our first 6 books for female authors in a variety of non-fiction categories, including poetry, business & personal development.
This sounds fun & maybe noble, but it is scary as shit for each of these women. Everyone who dreams of writing a book has edited their imagination... but every person who hasn't made it to the final stage of writing & publishing is all too familiar with the fears, doubts & logistical obstacles.
Your story is Ready. Are YOU?
This is no easy thing. Writing can be challenging, scary & test you to your core... & the only reason anyone is crazy enough to do it, is because there is a story inside of you READY to be told. The world needs your story.
It's been a hell-of-a year, this time is for YOU!
When women come to us, it is as much because they want to get their book out into the world as they want to be seen, heard & supported. They come to us, because we support the emotional & logistical. Because we do the heavy lifting & yet retain their voice, their message & somehow find exactly what they were hoping to create, ever if they don't quite know until they find it.
When was the last time you were taken care of like this? A current author said, the next time we do a book together, let's get the team together for a week by the ocean, eat together, smash out this amazing project together...
then, direct quote, "This is why I am always telling people you give a woman three days and some time to wash her hair, and she can take over the free world!" -Stacy Dyson
Funny that she said that today, because that is close to my vision for the Red Thread Women's Writers Retreat. For this week you are the guest, fully supported & treated to the best service & experience. BECAUSE you deserve it & so does your story.
Stories Change Lives
Find Your voice.Write your story
We believe in the power of women's voices & stories to change the world. We support women not only to write & publish their books but to really embrace their voice,
Accelerate empowerment & reach global impact.
Because women matter.
Sierra Melcher, author & founder of @RedThreadPublishing, & our team will support you every step of the way. Sierra Melcher is a Best-selling author based in Colombia. She has supported hundreds of women to transform their lives for over 20 years & is highly regarded.
This retreat will set you up to bring your writing project to life in a whole new way... & you will come to see yourself AS A WRITER!
Join me for a week of writing & an adventure you will never forget- Check out the writer's retreat of my dreams-- I want you to come with me.
Bonus: I am gifting this month long course The Story Incubator to all retreat participants... so you can start today... your story doesn't have to wait. Learn what I am teaching the current group, about how to create your book/write your story within the month cycle by following the moon phases... and writing easefully...
From: the Desk of Sierra Melcher
Red Thread Publishing
Putting Yourself Out There Feels Heavy. Especially if you are going at it alone!
And if you’re like most ready-to-be authors I work with, you want to tell your story because you want to help more people...
...not spend day after day with that incredible story tucked inside of you !
Well, the reality is this:
Think about it! You've told your story dozens of times inside your own head & even out loud to friends & family so should you let fear, time, or overwhelm be the reason you don't inspire the world?
NO! Of course not!
I get the strain & stress. I had a call the other day with a woman struggling to wrap her mind around how she would find the time. In 45 min we talked & realized that most of her book was already written, I gave er a few strategies about how to move forward... & she was visibly lightened at the end.
What if your book was easier than you thought? What if you had fun & made friends & ENJOYED the process... are you up for that? If so, I want to talk to you!
I'll see you in Cartagena... and we will let the book pour out. Join us for this first retreat! Your book will thank you.