What makes a good author page?
Jan 06, 2022
What makes a good author page when you read a book, you are giving a gift to the world. You are also establishing yourself as an authority.
The word author is the root of the word AUTHORity.
When you become an author there are a couple of places where you will create an author page. If you publish on Amazon, you will get an Amazon Author Page. Additionally, it's great to have either a website or even just a landing page on your existing website. That is your author page.
Watch the video about the author page
For all of the above, there are a few essential requirements for professional headshots. If you use a selfie, even a really good selfie, without realizing it. Readers or prospective readers will judge you as an amateur. There are a lot of self-published authors these days. And customers readers are highly skilled at spotting an amateur without even realizing it. They will not trust you. Your book or the quality of your work. So please don't scrimp on this!
Your author page will include a bio. In this process of writing a book, you will create multiple versions of your bio. In the Amazon Author Page, (read the directions about how to set up your author page on Author Central. It is step-by-step, easy). It allows you X number of words or characters for your bio, on the back of the book, or in the back pages of the book. You will also include a shorter version of your bio. Back Cover bios are usually under 100 words.
I was so excited when I first set up mine: amazon.com/author/sierramelcher seeing the word author next to my name was thrilling.
Your Author Page can have a more lengthy description obviously including a link to your website or linktr.ee that accesses all of the ways readers can be in touch with you. We recommend all of our authors use linktr.ee because it's an efficient, short, and simple way to connect. Or if you feel fancy, use a QR code.
Within your bio, be sure to include your expert positioning statement. (watch the video training) The second statement we teach all of our others to use an employ and once we have crafted an effective efficient one, put it everywhere. The top of all your socials definitely included in all of your bios, even the shortest ones.
What is an authority marketing statement or an expert positioning statement? The formula we teach our authors to follow is:
- Authority marketing statement
- “I am__ I help__ so that ___ by __”
Expert Positioning Statement/ Authority Marketing Statement:
- I am ___ (your title- clear & simple)
- I Help ___ (your ideal client)
- So That ___ (what problem do you solve for your ideal client?)
- By ___ (how do you help your ideal client solve the problem? - simple - ex. “your 4 part process”)
Ex.: I am a publisher. I help women write and publish their books so that they can elevate themselves as thought leaders and help change the world, by positioning them as experts in the field.
You can use variations of your author page in a media kit for press releases for reaching out to podcasters, journalists, television, and other media outlets. To read more about an author-branded media kit click here to read our blog.