How to get 10 new books reviews this week
Jun 22, 2021How I got 10 new books reviews in a week:
There are a lot of ways to increase reviews. I was curious about a new platform & so tried it for the Free Trial.
Pubby is a relatively new platform that I discovered while asking this question: what are the best ways to get book reviews? I signed up for their free trial, entered my top two books.
This platform works on a point system which they call snaps. You are given a certain number of snaps when you sign up & you earn more snaps when you review other people's books. You exchange your snaps by inviting others to review your book.
Although the trial period is just 10 days I was able to review 10 books in that time. I spent a total of $7 purchasing some books through Kindle. I intentionally chose the .99 cent books. I read them; I followed the prompts, & I left my 10 reviews.
IN RETURN, I got 11 book reviews between my two books in under a week.
It is a decent value proposition, however, it does require a Time investment on your part in reading and reviewing other people's books.
- I like the cooperative nature of this platform
- This platform is relatively easy to navigate
- their support chat is quite helpful.
- I got 11 new books reviews in a week
- most books are also for sale and not free
- reviews, therefore, increase the initial investment
- but if you are asking people to buy your book also that's a win-win.
- At the time of writing probably had mostly what looked like self-published or more amateur books. Something else to keep in mind
- But there's a notable dearth of options
I found myself wanting to find something to read & not particularly excited about the titles that were available. My understanding is that because this platform is relatively new there is a limited selection available. I hope that this will change
All in all, I am happy with the experiment. Try it & let us know how it goes.
So, if that value proposition seems reasonable to you check it out. here's the link.
This blog is borrowed material from my DIY Book marketing course. If this is helpful & want to learn more, check it out.
I've included my before & after screenshots as well as a few other details.
BEFORE: 16 reviews Date Yourself
AFTER: 21 reviews
BEFORE: 37 reviews How Change Really Happens
AFTER: 43 reviews
Note: there is a 10 book review cap-- currently you are not allowed to read or review more than 10 books per week which also prevents you from getting more than 10 reviews in that time period. But who doesn't want 10 more reviews this week?
So, if that value proposition seems reasonable to you check it out. here's the link.
If you choose to stay on the platform there's a variety of pricing options. i.e $20 per month charge build annually. READ THE FINE PRINT, if you do not & your free trial you will be charged $240.