Write.Publish.Impact. Blog

With so much information available it is easy to get overwhelmed or get it wrong. Red Thread breaks it down into three simple steps: WRITE. PUBLISH. IMPACT. Countless people need your mission, your message, and your book. Get the right pieces in the right order. Create ease for you in the creation process and clarity for your audience too. Weekly tools & tips to write, publish & have an impact!  

Author Challenge 5: How to Grow Your Network by 100

Jun 03, 2024

It is who you know more than what you know.

Attention all authors! Red Thread Publishing has launched our Weekly Author Challenge, designed to support your journey to author success! read more

How does it work? Each week, we'll post a new challenge along with a detailed blog to guide you through it. From crafting compelling book blurbs to building your author platform, these challenges will cover all the essential elements of becoming a successful authorpreneur.


Build Connections: Expand Your Network & Grow Your Author Brand

Building meaningful connections is key to expanding your reach and growing your author brand. In this week's author challenge, we invite you to take a proactive approach to networking and connect with 100 new people over the course of a month.A coach gave me this challenge years ago. It seemed like a stretch then, but now it is an average month. Here's how you can make the most of this challenge:

  1. Connect with 100 New People: Break down this goal into manageable daily tasks. Aim to have at least 3 new conversations and make 3 new contacts each day. This could be done through social media, networking events, or reaching out to acquaintances.
  2. Make a Spreadsheet and Network: Create a spreadsheet to keep track of the people you connect with. Include their name, contact information, how you met or connected, and any follow-up actions. Use this spreadsheet to stay organized and nurture your connections.
  3. Follow Up: The key to building meaningful connections is follow-up. Send a follow-up message after your initial conversation to express your interest in staying connected. Keep the conversation going by sharing relevant content or updates.
  4. Ask for More Introductions, Recommendations, & Testimonials: As you build connections, don't be afraid to ask for introductions to others in their network, recommendations for your work, or testimonials for your website. Building a strong network of advocates can greatly benefit your author journey.

Remember to approach this challenge with a spirit of curiosity and authenticity. Be genuinely interested in getting to know new people and be open to learning from them. Building connections takes time and effort, but the relationships you cultivate can be incredibly rewarding.

Tag us @redthreadbooks #RTAuthorChall so we can share & celebrate your work You do not have to do this alone. 

Did you miss the earlier challenges...  RTAuthorChall 1:  Review it2: Book Reviews3: Bookstore Date, 4:Author Press Kit (Part 1)

Follow for news & insights. 

Red Thread Publishing houses two imprints. Red Thread Books was founded with a mission to support 10,000 women to become successful published authorpreneurs & thought leaders. We have expanded to incorporate a second imprint [Red Falcon Press] for all genders encouraging more silenced and marginalized folks to share their voices & stories. 

To date, we have supported 225+ people from 24 countries to Write & Publish their books. 


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