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Author Challenge #8: Share a Behind-the-Scenes Look

authorchallenge reader engagement social media weekly author challenge Jul 08, 2024
Title image. Share a Behind-the-Scenes Look for author challenge 8

Attention all authors! Red Thread Publishing has launched our Weekly Author Challenge, designed to support your journey to author success! Read more
How does it work? Each week, we'll post a new challenge along with a detailed blog to guide you through it. From crafting compelling book blurbs to building your author platform, these challenges will cover all the essential elements of becoming a successful authorpreneur. 


Share a Behind-the-Scenes Look:

Give your audience a glimpse into your writing process or workspace.


Every writer has a unique journey, and readers often find it fascinating to get a glimpse behind the scenes. Sharing your writing process and workspace can create a deeper connection with your audience, offering them a peek into the creative magic that brings your stories to life. Here’s a guide to help you craft an engaging and insightful post that showcases your personal writing world.


  1.   Set the Stage with Inspiration

Start by discussing where your inspiration comes from. Readers love to know what sparks your creativity. Consider sharing:

Moments of Inspiration: Describe specific instances when inspiration struck, whether during a walk, a conversation, or a dream. “I had this breakthrough idea while attempting to decipher IKEA assembly instructions.

Sources of Ideas: Explain how you collect and store your ideas, such as through a dedicated notebook, a notes app, or voice memos.


  1. Outline Your Writing Process

Providing an overview of your writing process helps readers understand how you transform ideas into polished pieces. Include details like:

Brainstorming and Planning: Share how you brainstorm ideas and create outlines or mind maps to organize your thoughts.

Drafting: Describe your approach to drafting, whether you write in longhand, use specific software, or dictate your thoughts. “Sometimes I write with a fountain pen just to feel like a proper author from the olden days.

Revising and Editing: Highlight the steps you take to refine your work, from self-editing to seeking feedback from beta readers or editors.


  1. Showcase Your Writing Workspace

Invite readers into your creative space by describing and illustrating your writing environment. You can cover:

Location and Setup: Describe where you write and how your workspace is arranged. Mention any special furniture, tools, or decor that make it unique.

Essential Tools: List the tools you use, such as your laptop, notebooks, favorite pens, or specific software.

Personal Touches: Highlight any personal items that inspire you, like photos, artwork, plants, or mementos. “Yes, that's a unicorn plushie. Don't judge.


  1. Share Your Writing Routine

Detailing your daily or weekly writing routine can offer readers insight into your discipline and habits. Consider including:

Daily Schedule: Outline your typical writing day, including when you write, how long your sessions are, and how you manage breaks.

Rituals and Habits: Share any rituals or habits that help you get into the writing zone, such as meditation, exercise, or listening to music. “Yes, writing in pajamas is a legit strategy. Comfort equals creativity.”

Time Management: Offer tips on how you balance writing with other responsibilities and how you stay productive and focused. What works for others might not work for you, and some readers might relate to that.


  1. Discuss Overcoming Challenges

Acknowledge the challenges you face as an author and how you overcome them. This can resonate with readers who experience similar struggles, even if they’re not writers themselves. Address topics like:

Writer’s Block: Share strategies for overcoming writer’s block, such as changing your environment, using writing prompts, or taking breaks.

Motivation: Explain how you stay motivated and maintain your passion for writing, even during tough times. Sometimes, motivation comes in the form of a deadline. Or chocolate.

Feedback and Criticism: Discuss how you handle feedback and criticism and how it helps you grow as an author.


  1. Add Visuals and Multimedia

Enhance your blog or social media post with visuals that bring your writing process and workspace to life, sharing the human-relatable elements. Authors are mysterious creatures, lift the veil & share to engage your reading audience and connect on a personal level. Here are some ideas of what to include:

Photos: Share pictures of your workspace, tools, or any inspirational items.

Videos: Consider creating a short video tour of your writing space or a time-lapse of your writing process.

Diagrams and Lists: Use diagrams, mind maps, or lists to illustrate your process and organization methods.


Finally, encourage interaction by inviting readers to share their own creative processes and workspaces. You can ask questions to spark conversation, like “What inspires you?” or “How do you overcome a motivation block?” Share tips and invite readers to contribute their experiences in the comments section. Foster a sense of community by responding to comments and engaging with readers on social media.

Sharing a behind-the-scenes can significantly enhance your marketing and social media presence, helping your books reach more people. By revealing your personal writing journey, during and after the creation process for publishing, you cement your audience. They get invested in your success when they are permitted to be a part of the process, building authenticity and trust with your audience. This unique content can attract new followers and provide valuable insights to aspiring writers and avid readers, positioning you as a thought leader in the writing community. So, open the door to your writing sanctuary and let your audience in—they're eager to see the magic unfold! And remember, even if your workspace includes a unicorn plushie and a coffee-stained notebook, it's the creativity that counts. Happy writing!


Tag us @redthreadbooks #RTAuthorChall so we can share & celebrate your work. You do not have to do this alone. 

Did you miss the earlier challenges? Check last week's:

Author Challenge #7: Create a Book Discussion Guide

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