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Author Challenge #9: Media Kit Part 2 - Join a Speakers Bureau

authorchallenge networking weekly author challenge Jul 15, 2024
Title image. Author Challenge #9 Media Kit Part 2 - Join a Speakers Bureau: Gain access to more speaking opportunities and promotional support.

Attention all authors! Red Thread Publishing has launched our Weekly Author Challenge, designed to support your journey to author success! Read more
How does it work? Each week, we'll post a new challenge along with a detailed blog to guide you through it. From crafting compelling book blurbs to building your author platform, these challenges will cover all the essential elements of becoming a successful authorpreneur. 


Media Kit Part 2 - Join a Speakers Bureau:

Gain access to more speaking opportunities and promotional support.


 This is Part 2 of our series on building a comprehensive author press kit. In our Author Challenge #4 Part 1: Create a Speaker's One-Sheet, we discussed designing a professional one-sheet highlighting your speaking topics, testimonials, and contact information for event organizers. Having a well-developed speaker one-sheet is a prerequisite for optimizing your Speaker Profile, as it provides a foundation for the content. If you haven’t checked that one yet, this is your sign to read about it. Now, let's explore the benefits of joining a speakers bureau and how it can enhance your career as an author.


What is a Speakers Bureau?

A speakers bureau is an organization that connects speakers, including authors, with event organizers. They act as intermediaries, managing speaking engagements and promoting speakers to various audiences. By joining a speakers bureau, you gain access to their extensive network and resources, making it easier to find speaking opportunities that align with your expertise and interests as an author.


"A speakers bureau can open doors to lucrative speaking engagements and provide invaluable marketing support to help you get noticed by top-tier event organizers."

Entrepreneur: The Power of a Speakers Bureau 


Benefits of Joining a Speakers Bureau

  1. Increased Visibility: A speakers bureau can significantly increase your visibility within the literary and publishing industry. They have established networks and relationships with event organizers, making it easier for you to be discovered by those seeking speakers with your expertise.
  2. Professional Development: Being part of a speakers bureau provides access to resources, training, and feedback to help you refine your speaking skills. This professional development can enhance your confidence and effectiveness as a speaker and author.
  3. Networking Opportunities: You'll have the chance to connect with other authors, speakers, and professionals within your field. These connections can lead to collaborations, mentorship, and additional speaking engagements.
  4. Promotional Support: Bureaus often offer marketing and promotional support, such as listing you on their website, social media promotion, and including you in their outreach to event organizers. This helps amplify your reach and attract more speaking opportunities.
  5. Logistical Assistance: Many bureaus handle the logistical aspects of speaking engagements, including travel arrangements, contracts, and payments. This allows you to focus on delivering an impactful presentation without worrying about the administrative details.
  6. Access to Diverse Platforms: A bureau can introduce you to various speaking platforms, such as conferences, corporate events, webinars, and educational institutions. This diversity enhances your exposure and helps you reach different audience segments.


How to Maximize Your Membership

  1. Create a Compelling Speaker Profile: This is key for showing your expertise and securing speaking opportunities. Part 1 of this challenge stressed the importance of a solid speaker one-sheet as the foundation, ensuring your profile is clear and professional in presenting your topics, testimonials, and contact info. This information makes it easier to set up your profile and find speaking engagements matching your expertise and goals.
  2. Develop a Strong Speaking Portfolio: Compile a portfolio of your best talks, including videos, slides, and written transcripts. This will give event organizers a clear idea of your style and substance as a speaker.
  3. Engage with the Bureau's Network: To effectively build your network, as suggested in our Challenge #5, actively participate in the bureau’s events and online communities. Engage with other members, share your experiences, and offer support. This helps build your reputation and establishes you as a collaborative and proactive member. 
  4. Stay Updated and Relevant: Continuously update your knowledge and skills to stay relevant in your field. Share your latest insights, research, and developments with the bureau to ensure they have the most current information to promote you effectively.
  5. Utilize Social Media: Promote your involvement with the speakers bureau on your social media channels. Share upcoming speaking engagements, highlights from past talks, and any media coverage. This enhances your personal brand and showcases your active engagement with potential clients.
  6. Explore Various Avenues: Apart from the bureau, seek speaking opportunities at industry-specific conferences, educational institutions, and online platforms like social audio apps and podcasts. This proactive approach ensures a steady flow of engagements.
  7. Leverage Feedback: Use feedback from your bureau and event organizers to improve your presentations. Constructive criticism is invaluable for growth and can help you refine your message and delivery.


Joining a speakers bureau can be a game-changer in your journey as an author. By taking advantage of their resources, support, and opportunities, you can amplify your voice, reach a broader audience, and make a greater impact with your message.

Stay tuned for Part 3: Create a Speaker's Reel. We'll guide you through compiling clips of your past speaking engagements or creating a video highlighting your speaking style and topics. 

Happy writing!


Tag us @redthreadbooks #RTAuthorChall so we can share & celebrate your work. You do not have to do this alone. 

Did you miss the earlier challenges? Check last week's:

Author Challenge #8: Share a Behind-the-Scenes Look



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