Write.Publish.Impact. Blog

With so much information available it is easy to get overwhelmed or get it wrong. Red Thread breaks it down into three simple steps: WRITE. PUBLISH. IMPACT. Countless people need your mission, your message, and your book. Get the right pieces in the right order. Create ease for you in the creation process and clarity for your audience too. Weekly tools & tips to write, publish & have an impact!  

Mastering Success: The Essential 90-Day Marketing Plan for Aspiring Authors and Authorpreneurs impact marketing Nov 30, 2023

Dear Aspiring Authors and Authorpreneurs,

Congratulations on creating your literary masterpiece! Now, you stand at a crucial juncture—marketing your book to ensure it reaches the...

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Author Interview: The Alkashic Alchemist authors book redthreadpublishing Nov 27, 2023

See all Books in the Red Thread Library

Alleviate stress, find emotional freedom, and tap into your innate ability to create a better world, simply by flowing through the phases of your...

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Simple Solutions for Decision Fatigue blog business impact marketing Nov 24, 2023

(for Aspiring Authors and New Authorpreneurs: A Holistic Approach)

Dear Aspiring Authors and Authorpreneurs,

Congratulations on embarking on your journey in the world of writing and authorship!...

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Storytelling Served Southern-Side-Up May 06, 2023

By Adrienne MacIain, Ph.D.

“‘You sweet thing you.’ May often said this to me. When she reached out her arms for a hug. When I called her on the phone for no particular reason at...

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What the Puck: the Sanity-Saving Power of Humor Apr 24, 2023

By Adrienne MacIain, Ph.D.

“Remember, you are a parent first, fan second. You’re not always there for the hockey." - Laura Zukosky, We’re Not Here for the Hockey: a Guide to...

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Crystalize Feeling Better: New book Apr 22, 2023

By Adrienne MacIain, Ph.D.

“Establishing a healthy emotional connection to all places of well-being through balanced nourishment, daily movement, and inspired, empowered transformation can...

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Publishing a book is one of the most effective ways to achieve these goals. Apr 22, 2023

In today's competitive business landscape, entrepreneurs and professionals need to establish themselves as thought leaders to gain credibility, visibility, and recognition. Publishing a book is one...

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Living Large at any Size bookrelease2023 judy granlee-gates living large at any size new book launch redthreadpublishing Jan 30, 2023

By Adrienne MacIain, Ph.D.


“Manage your stuff or it WILL manage you!"

  Judy Granlee-Gates, Bigger Living, Smaller Space: Resizing for a Clean & Cozy Home


Let's get...

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A Call to Compassionate Activism Jan 29, 2023

By Adrienne MacIain, Ph.D.

Breathe in the compassionate world we are co-creating. Breathe out all that does not serve us."                   ...

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Light Up the World adriennemaclain book review creativeflow genius maya amaele liebermann redthreadpublishing spark Jan 24, 2023

By Maya Amaele Liebermann

“I believe in a world where all of us feel worthy, connected, empowered, and free to give our authentic gifts and receive real value in exchange.


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Birthing My Book blog book maya amaele liebermann red thread publishing Jan 19, 2023

By Maya Amaele Liebermann


Why do I want to publish a book?

Dr. Adrienne, invites us to consider this question in our women writer's circle.


Why do I want to bring a book into the...

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Lost & Found: Navigating the Labyrinth of Dementia Jan 12, 2023

By Adrienne MacIain

They call it "the longest goodbye".

When a loved one is suffering from dementia, it isn’t just their memory that starts to slip away, it's their identity, and the...

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